Electrical Wire code in Singapore
Singapore has incredibly high safety standards when it comes to electrical wiring in the home and other buildings. That’s why it’s vitally important to understand the various electrical wire code requirements that need to be followed when carrying out any wiring in the country. The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) set the standards that all licensed electrical wiring contractors need to adhere to in order to ensure the safety of both their personnel and the public.
These safety codes are incredibly important, as they provide uniformity in wiring practices across the country. This helps to alleviate any potential hazards from taking shortcuts or using unapproved wiring methods which could prove dangerous in the long run.
The Singapore Electrical Code (SEC) is the main standards documents that acts as the basis for any electrical wiring project. It lays out the rules, regulations and technical requirements, such as conductor and cable sizing and voltage levels, that must be adhered to when undertaking any wiring tasks. In addition to these, the EC have also classifications for the wires to be used, such as single-core, dual-core and multi-core.
Electrical Wire code in Singapore

The colour coding of electrical wiring is another important part of the electrical wire code requirements. The various wires are colour coded according to the various electrical circuits that they are used in. For example, single red wire is used to indicate a switched line (i.e. a lights or heater); while a double red wire is used to indicate an unswitched line. Additionally, blue wires are used to indicate a neutral line, while a green or yellow-green wire is used to denote a protective earth. This allows electricians to easily distinguish the various types of wire in a wiring diagram and ensure that the correct wires are being used according to the electrical code.

Furthermore, the installation of any wiring must meet the requirements of the National Fire Code, which requires all electrical wiring to be installed and certified by a qualified technician. Additionally, this code has also imposed a requirement for all electrical wiring to be tested once every three and a half years to ensure that all wiring is sound.